Sunday, December 7, 2008

Some Spurgeon Wisdom

Thought I would share this little piece from Charles Spurgeon:

“I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.”
- 1Co_9:22

Paul’s great object was not merely to instruct and to improve, but to save. Anything short of this would have disappointed him; he would have men renewed in heart, forgiven, sanctified, in fact, saved. Have our Christian labours been aimed at anything below this great point? Then let us amend our ways, for of what avail will it be at the last great day to have taught and moralized men if they appear before God unsaved? Blood-red will our skirts be if through life we have sought inferior objects, and forgotten that men needed to be saved. Paul knew the ruin of man’s natural state, and did not try to educate him, but to save him; he saw men sinking to hell, and did not talk of refining them, but of saving from the wrath to come. To compass their salvation, he gave himself up with untiring zeal to telling abroad the gospel, to warning and beseeching men to be reconciled to God. His prayers were importunate and his labours incessant. To save souls was his consuming passion, his ambition, his calling. He became a servant to all men, toiling for his race, feeling a woe within him if he preached not the gospel. He laid aside his preferences to prevent prejudice; he submitted his will in things indifferent, and if men would but receive the gospel, he raised no questions about forms or ceremonies: the gospel was the one all-important business with him. If he might save some he would be content. This was the crown for which he strove, the sole and sufficient reward of all his labours and self-denials. Dear reader, have you and I lived to win souls at this noble rate? Are we possessed with the same all-absorbing desire? If not, why not? Jesus died for sinners, cannot we live for them? Where is our tenderness? Where our love to Christ, if we seek not his honour in the salvation of men? O that the Lord would saturate us through and through with an undying zeal for the souls of men.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Streams of Water

This is a song by EPO.
I was fortunate enough to be part of writting this song...but today I learned the weight of this song in life.

Lord, I have cried many tears for the ones I love that are not getting it right. This is the prayer of our hearts, to truly love your law.

Sustain me according to your promise
Your Word is truth that endures forever
Uphold me, and I will be delivered
Give me life according to your word
To your word

I cry out Lord as I stand in your presence
You give me understanding of your Word
Your law is my delight and I will praise you
Your righteousness is righteous forever

Streams of water run down my eyes
Because of those who do not keep your law
Turn to me and have mercy on me
As you do to those who love your name
As you do to those who love your name

I rise before dawn and cry for your help oh Lord
I will maintain hope in all of your Words
Hear my voice according to your steadfast love
According to your justice give me life
Give me life

Your reject all who stray from your law
The wicked you discard like dross
Therefore I love your law
I stand in awe

Streams of water run down my eyes
Because of those who do not keep your law
Turn to me and have mercy on me
As you do to those who love your name
As you do to those who love your name

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A New Nation - Changes

So here is the scene:

There is a country torn by war and in economic crisis. The middle class is disappearing and the country is politically split. Everyone agrees change is needed but it is difficult to agree on what that change needs to be.

The political system is full of doubt and corruption. It is difficult to find a worthy leader among them. The people are bitter and tired; the previous governmental policies have left behind what seems to be uncertainty.

But a party begins to rally the displaced, the poor, the angry, those longing for change. Their party begins to gain seats in the government; they are gaining power and a chance for change.

The leader in power, struggles with everything he can muster to save the country from the economic disaster that is pending; but “his ineffectual government undermined what remained of belief in democracy.”

Playing on the economic fears and unrest of the country there is a chance to pull enough votes for change. Finally, the party rising to power has found a charismatic and strong leader. He has a chance to lead us into the next era.

Sound familiar?

Well let me tell you the rest of the story….

The leader does come to power and does ignite changes and unity within the country. The country becomes a powerful nation and the economic status improves. Many benefit financially from this administration’s policies. There is food, housing and education available.

But, here is the rest of the story: to ignite that change the country committed horrific acts and ignored the death of their democracy. This was the price of their comfort and lifestyle.

This country was Germany and this leader was Hitler.

What price are you willing to pay for the change that is coming? What are you willing to sacrifice to spread the wealth? Who decides where the wealth should go? Who should get your money if you can’t keep it?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Marriage Lessons

Learning to love the law of God is so vital! God’s law shows His character, expectations and His love for us. God’s law has the power to convert the sinner, change lives, judge; the list goes on and on. So often the law is treated with contempt and disdain because our flesh does not like to submit. But, I maintain that if you begin to look at God’s law in a different way your understanding could provide a renewed love.

In Ephesians 5 we learn about the relationship of a husband and a wife, which is compared to the relationship of Christ and the church. So, let us dig a little deeper into that concept.

If you have a husband that is mean, oppressive or harsh then you have a wife that submits simply to avoid conflict. She does not consult him out of respect but out of fear. She does not joyfully serve him or follow him; she simply exists with him because she has to.

Then, there is the wife in a marriage with a man that is understanding, caring, respectable and worthy of leadership; he is decisive but considerate. In this situation the wife consults her husband out of genuine respect and honor. She will submit to him because he has proven to have proper motives and because she truly loves him and wants to be pleasing.

You see if you begin to know Jesus you will know that he is the second husband to the church. When you understand that Christ is righteous and worthy of all glory then you will begin to submit out of love and honor. To submit to and love God’s law is to know and love your creator. It is submission of honor and understanding not of oppression.

To take that one step further the comparison is of marriage. Christ is treated like an affair or a booty call so often these days. Many call themselves followers of Christ but only call on Him when they need something. They, like someone in and affair, only call on Him when it is convenient for them or when they need a fix. Then their everyday life is continued until the next time.

It is a commitment to Jesus Christ and His law!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Patience - Tonight's Youth Lesson

Patience is something that is learned over time. You do not just wake up one day a patient and understanding person. So, how do you learn patience?

Trials teach you patience; as you persevere through the lessons that God is teaching you you begin to learn patience. You begin to understand that God is in control of every situation and patience comes with that knowledge.

As you study and grow in your knowledge of God you understand His character. If you understand God’s character you know that all things come in His timing. Patience comes with he understanding of God’s character. History, displayed in the Bible over and over again,shows God’s sovereignty.

If you want patience you spend the time and effort to get to know and love the one in control, spend time in prayer and studying the scripture. If you lack patience it is because you lack trust in the sovereignty of God and His ability to carry things out in His timing.

So, the question is not really how do I get patience. The question is are you ready to press on into the things of God? Are you ready to move forward, leave the old behind, and get to know the one that rules the universe? Are you ready to make the hard choices and stand up for truth when no one else will? This is how you will get patience and all of the other fruits of the spirit.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


The older I get and the longer I spend in a leadership role the more I realize that sometimes there is a fine line between encouragement and being a pusher. Often times the outcome decides which label is attached.

Scripture often uses words like press on, persevere, encourage admonish, teach. But, you also have to step back and let others learn from God and their own experience. It becomes an interesting conundrum.

I know that these type of situations will require experiential Godly wisdom. However, I do not believe anyone completely masters this one. So, this teaches me grace and appreciation for those that encourage, and sometimes push, me to do what is right and hard.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Dont Expect Your Own - His is Enough

I love when God chooses to teach you things. It generally becomes reinforced from every direction if you are paying attention. You read about it, others talk about it, there is opportunity for personal application and you watch others as they learn to apply as well. This week is all about learning about personal words from God and God’s purpose for life.

I visited my friend’s church this Sunday and someone stood up “with a word from the lord.” His word was incorrect and not biblical but the sad thing is he is going to hold onto that word and apply it to his life, as will some others who heard it.

When I got home I began reading some material given to me by our pastor and it turned out to be an article about personal words from God.

Each of us wants to make the right decisions and have a personal relationship with God. But, know this; the scripture is sufficient for what you need. God does place desires and dreams in your life but they do not bind you nor decide your future. I do not know one person that meets the Biblical standards of a prophet that can receive a direct word from God, so that means that scripture is how I am going to receive everything I need from God.

Do not discount to Word of God! Dont shop around outside the scripture for your own revelation from God. His word is enough!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I gave into the pressure...

Okay so after the pressure of my fellow bloggers has been layed upon me and I gave in. I tried to resist but the temptation to have my picture show up next to my comments was too much :-)
Not to mention the look of appaul that I recieved when I mentioned I did not have a blog...this is a shocking idea among my circle of people.

So, here it is T's blog.
I am not really sure why I should blog...but I will post as often as I can.