Thursday, September 18, 2008

I gave into the pressure...

Okay so after the pressure of my fellow bloggers has been layed upon me and I gave in. I tried to resist but the temptation to have my picture show up next to my comments was too much :-)
Not to mention the look of appaul that I recieved when I mentioned I did not have a blog...this is a shocking idea among my circle of people.

So, here it is T's blog.
I am not really sure why I should blog...but I will post as often as I can.


Even So... said...

First comment! should blog so as to give me links, of a new one for the blog as well as the one for the ".org" already there (thanks for that one too)...

You go girl...!

Even So... said...

Ok, I saw the link for the blog down

Dan said...

Welcome to the blog side! I am very excited and anxious to read your posts.
Love you T