I love when God chooses to teach you things. It generally becomes reinforced from every direction if you are paying attention. You read about it, others talk about it, there is opportunity for personal application and you watch others as they learn to apply as well. This week is all about learning about personal words from God and God’s purpose for life.
I visited my friend’s church this Sunday and someone stood up “with a word from the lord.” His word was incorrect and not biblical but the sad thing is he is going to hold onto that word and apply it to his life, as will some others who heard it.
When I got home I began reading some material given to me by our pastor and it turned out to be an article about personal words from God.
Each of us wants to make the right decisions and have a personal relationship with God. But, know this; the scripture is sufficient for what you need. God does place desires and dreams in your life but they do not bind you nor decide your future. I do not know one person that meets the Biblical standards of a prophet that can receive a direct word from God, so that means that scripture is how I am going to receive everything I need from God.
Do not discount to Word of God! Dont shop around outside the scripture for your own revelation from God. His word is enough!
1 day ago
We watched Justin Peters this Sunday as I am sure you know but before that JD spoke a little and he said that it should not make us proud but that it should make us prayerful. That really stuck with me and I am really saddened for people who are deceived by this type of thing. But most that are in it believe that it is God speaking to them so they can't be persuaded otherwise. Even if it does'nt line up with the Word of God.
Psalm 119:136 Rivers of water run down from my eyes,Because men do not keep Your law.
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