There is no one in right standing with or that seeks after God on their own. I will be held accountable to the laws of God. (Romans 3:9-20) On the day of judgment the evil ones will be separated out and thrown in the lake of fire. (Matthew 13:49-50)
Even if I want to do what is right I do not have the ability to keep doing it on my own because nothing good dwells in me apart from Christ. (Romans 7:18) But, God the Father draws me in - He calls me out of the depths of my sin. (John 6:44)
Before Christ my heart is hard and I am storing up God’s anger against me and it is set to be given to me on judgment day because I deserve it. If I am self seeking and do not obey the truth I will have the full wrath of God on me. However, if I seek the Lord and I persevere in the truth I will receive eternal life. It does not matter how I started out or who I was; it only matters if I sought Jesus when He called. (Romans 2:5-11)
I once lived however I wanted doing whatever I wanted, but I was spiritually dead. But, even when I was foul and a God hater, God chose to have mercy on me. He loved me enough to give His son to pay the price for my sin. It is not because of anything I did but only because of the grace and kindness of God that I am able to carry on and receive eternal life. (Ephesians 2:1-10 & John 3:16)
You see when God called me I was able to believe and tell everyone that Jesus was raised from the dead after He paid the price for my sins. God saved me. (Romans 10:9)
Now I know God’s law and in my life there is less sin everyday. But, if I do sin Jesus is my advocate. He paid for my sins. And now my life reflects that in my actions. You see if I said that I know Jesus but my life was the same as before what would that say? (1 John 2:1-6)
God works everything together to accomplish what He wants. Whether it is good or bad He uses it to further His kingdom. So, if God is for me and works all things for good, then what do I have to worry about? (Romans 8:28-33) The Bible tells me the only thing I should fear is that which can destroy my soul and send me to hell. (Matthew 10:28)
So, now I have peace with God through Jesus and I can be joyful in every situation. I am not joyful because of the situation but because of what God is doing through it. (Romans 5:1-5)
1 day ago
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