Our society has setup a standard of acceptance, tolerance and excuse making. Some churches have embraced this attitude and others struggle. But, the practice has crept into our daily lives without notice; much to the detriment of the health of the church.
So, the very Christians that should be leading by example are now busy making excuses on why the teenagers cannot possibly live up to the standards that God has setup, women can do anything men can do no matter what you say, you don’t know my past and how hard it has been, I cant possibly understand all of this so why bother, church people are difficult and mean. This is where our structure is falling apart.
You see God setup the church and the family to function in a certain way and the modern church is struggling. The older are suppose to mentor the younger, the men are suppose to lead, there are suppose to be standards for the children, women are to submit, we are to honor one another and learn from one anther. But, our society has set us up to be so me centered we get wrapped up in making sure I get what I need that we leave our brother or sister lying on the side of the road.
Here’s an example of the breakdown:
A husband is so worn out from an unsubmitted wife that he gives up and does not lead his family in prayer and scripture; he would rather work than take on the entire family.
His children begin to have to make life decisions but have little Biblical basis to go on. The family has never really had the intimacy of Bible study together so the kids are not comfortable discussing tough issues with their parents so they just make whatever decision they want. The child gets in trouble, the father tries to discipline, the mother blames the father and the whole family is in turmoil.
Now while all of this is going on they are trying to learn and teach at their church. But, because of the home life they are not sufficiently fed in their personal time to give back to others and they feel guilty that they are not getting it right so they are reluctant to participate.
Now multiply that by 30 families and put them in one church. Now you have a bunch of reluctant malnourished Christians wondering why they are worn out and feeling defeated. And there stands the pastor pouring out everything he has with little structural support.
Now here is an example of working within the structure God has given us:
A man, with the support of his wife, sits his family down everyday to pray together and read the Bible. The children have a strong background in the word as well as countless hours of serious and intimate time with their parents.
Now the child has the opportunity to make decisions and they have the Biblical knowledge to make wise ones. But, even when they make mistakes the parents unite and discipline the child quickly. The child learns of grave, forgiveness, consequences and love.
The house is ordered and the parents are united. When this family comes to church they are well fed from the week’s Bible study they had together. They are ready to speak wisdom and train others. Multiply that by 30 families and the pastor has support and does not bear the full weight of the burden.
Church discipline can also be used properly in a church like this because the men are able to discern what is needed to be done without the cloudiness of their own guilt in the way. The home practiced submission of the congregation also makes church discipline possible.
Now I understand that these are simplified examples but the point is the same. God setup a structure for a reason; it was not just because He felt like it. If your home is not in order it is difficult for your church to be in order.
It is true within families that you must sometimes choose your battles with your children wisely. I will definitively say that reading the Bible and praying with your family is a battle you must choose if you are a Christian family!
Men do not leave your families lying on the side of the road. Women do not hinder your husband’s God given mandate to be the spiritual leader of the house. Stop robbing your children of the upbringing that God intended for them. If you never give your children standards they have nothing to aim for.
So, the very Christians that should be leading by example are now busy making excuses on why the teenagers cannot possibly live up to the standards that God has setup, women can do anything men can do no matter what you say, you don’t know my past and how hard it has been, I cant possibly understand all of this so why bother, church people are difficult and mean. This is where our structure is falling apart.
You see God setup the church and the family to function in a certain way and the modern church is struggling. The older are suppose to mentor the younger, the men are suppose to lead, there are suppose to be standards for the children, women are to submit, we are to honor one another and learn from one anther. But, our society has set us up to be so me centered we get wrapped up in making sure I get what I need that we leave our brother or sister lying on the side of the road.
Here’s an example of the breakdown:
A husband is so worn out from an unsubmitted wife that he gives up and does not lead his family in prayer and scripture; he would rather work than take on the entire family.
His children begin to have to make life decisions but have little Biblical basis to go on. The family has never really had the intimacy of Bible study together so the kids are not comfortable discussing tough issues with their parents so they just make whatever decision they want. The child gets in trouble, the father tries to discipline, the mother blames the father and the whole family is in turmoil.
Now while all of this is going on they are trying to learn and teach at their church. But, because of the home life they are not sufficiently fed in their personal time to give back to others and they feel guilty that they are not getting it right so they are reluctant to participate.
Now multiply that by 30 families and put them in one church. Now you have a bunch of reluctant malnourished Christians wondering why they are worn out and feeling defeated. And there stands the pastor pouring out everything he has with little structural support.
Now here is an example of working within the structure God has given us:
A man, with the support of his wife, sits his family down everyday to pray together and read the Bible. The children have a strong background in the word as well as countless hours of serious and intimate time with their parents.
Now the child has the opportunity to make decisions and they have the Biblical knowledge to make wise ones. But, even when they make mistakes the parents unite and discipline the child quickly. The child learns of grave, forgiveness, consequences and love.
The house is ordered and the parents are united. When this family comes to church they are well fed from the week’s Bible study they had together. They are ready to speak wisdom and train others. Multiply that by 30 families and the pastor has support and does not bear the full weight of the burden.
Church discipline can also be used properly in a church like this because the men are able to discern what is needed to be done without the cloudiness of their own guilt in the way. The home practiced submission of the congregation also makes church discipline possible.
Now I understand that these are simplified examples but the point is the same. God setup a structure for a reason; it was not just because He felt like it. If your home is not in order it is difficult for your church to be in order.
It is true within families that you must sometimes choose your battles with your children wisely. I will definitively say that reading the Bible and praying with your family is a battle you must choose if you are a Christian family!
Men do not leave your families lying on the side of the road. Women do not hinder your husband’s God given mandate to be the spiritual leader of the house. Stop robbing your children of the upbringing that God intended for them. If you never give your children standards they have nothing to aim for.